This is a Gallery designed from young painters to display and sell their works. The site as we know is a relatively long and narrow building block around the corner of Oxford St. The envelope of this gallery is mainly glazed front and thick double brick wall throughout the rest of the surface. The back of this building is attached to existing residential buildings, so let's not worry about that at the moment. I'm sorry to say that they're not shown in the model as there's not enough time for me to make it. The idea behind the glazed front is to sell the work displayed and to attract people's attention. However, Harald pointed outthat too much glazing is negotive for the paintings displaying. I guess I need to work on that. The front door is facing Northeast towards Oxford St. The circulation of this gallery is quite straightforward. As you entered the building, it's a two-storey front gallery, open space quite bright. If you choose to step down a few stairs, you enter into a quite compressed gallery space lightened by the gap between the above level and the wall. Keep moving forward into a surrounded Gallery or Studio room because there's not enough time for me to work on that space. If you choose to step up, it's a indoor skylightened courtyard with the ceiling height above. Further stepping up into the second storey of the front gallery.